Monday, October 22, 2018

First Real Swim Meet

You competed in your first real swim meet a couple of weekends ago!  I call it the first "real" meet because you swam against multiple other clubs in a Gulf Open Swim Meet.  You were extremely nervous and just getting over an ear infection, so you did alright, but I think (I know) you can do better!  Your starts and your turns could definitely use some work, but you will get there.  I was so proud of you for getting out there and trying!  You are going to improve tremendously and I can't wait to see it!  I love you Kaitlin!

Monday, April 25, 2016

Snuggle Time

One of my favorite things to do with you is snuggle!  You are a little snuggle bug and will snuggle with me any time I want. I love it!  Every time I tell you I love you, you always tell me love you more.  If you only knew how much a mother loves her daughter you would know that your love for me doesn't even compare to the love I have for you!  But that's okay...I'll play along and let you think you love me more.  

I hope you're having a great day back at school.  We were out last week because of pretty bad flooding.  You had a great time because you got to play with your friends, play video games, and watch lots of netflix.  

I love you Kaitlin!

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Changing it Up

It is the start of a new year, January 3, 2016 and I'm changing things up.  I used to keep up with a blog about the things we did as a family so other family members could read it. But with Facebook they can keep up with us that way, so I decided to dedicate a blog to each of your girls so that I could share some thoughts about you with you!  I think it'll be cool to look back on when your older and read about how you were as a girl.  

So here goes...Kaitlin- you are the sweetest, most caring, sensitive girl I've ever met!  You have a heart of gold and love giving hugs and kisses.  You are a sensitive girl and you get your feelings hurt when daddy or I raise our voice at you.  You break down and cry and come to me for a hug.  You love for me to cuddle with you at night before you go to sleep.  You love superheros, the color red, and you highly dislike pink and purple!  

You play basketball, do crossfit, are on swim team, and you play softball.  You can sit and play by yourself for long periods of time and you don't need anyone to entertain you.  You love to watch Netflix.  So much so that I feel like I have to tear you away from it sometimes!  We are going to have to have an intervention soon!  ;)  You love to play video games on Disney Infinity.  

Daddy got you 3.0 for Christmas this year and you love it.  You also got a new backpack (superheros of course), water bottle, helicopter/airplane, Master Mind, and some other stuff that I can't think of right now!

Your great PawPaw passed away this Christmas.  We went to Tennessee for the funeral and were there for Christmas.  Before we left you wrote a note to Santa to make sure he knew to leave your presents here.  You also told Santa that he needed to leave the presents that were already under the tree.  It was so cute!  Papa came over before we got home and put the Santa presents Daddy and I had left in the garage under the tree, so when we came back from TN it looked like Santa had come!  You were so excited.

Well, that's all I have time for today.  Gotta start on the other girlies blogs and continue getting ready to go back to work tomorrow.  


Mom  :)